Rankings and Points
Global 18 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
18.1 Points
Core i9 7980XE
Team Power Rank
8.1 Points
The motherboard is an ASRock Fatal1ty X299 Professional Gaming i9 XE, for some reason hwbot did not accept that as a valid motherboard. The video card used for testing is an EVGA GTX 750 Ti. Notes: This system has [B]128GB[/B] of RAM installed, making the RAM very difficult to overclock. Otherwise, I would have beaten the Chiller submitters with my plain old H2O system. The CPU is [I]not[/I] a golden sample by any stretch of the imagination. It is average at best and could barely make a fixed 4.3 GHz before I "had my way with it."
You mean before you raised Vcore like everyone else does, or before you delidded like everyone else does?
It doesnt matter either way the sub is illegal you have to have your CPU tabs open in the same screenshot as the Cinebench window not one shot for the cine and another for the CPUz tabs.
Read the rules.
Look in the Database for your board when you find it that will give you an idea what to type in for it.
Read the rules.
@Mickulty, or before I beat the current world record by a mile, like everyone else does? Err, wait... no...
@MACSBEACH98, I wasn't aware of that and will fix it tomorrow, by rerunning.
I am far more interested in getting the system stable at 5 GHz 24/7 below 80 C for actual use as a workstation. "This" just happened along the way as a fun aside while I was testing the real configuration going forward.
Just beat my own score and with CPU-Z on screen, so it's all legit and by the rules now.
Fastest score with specific cooling isn't a "world record", you might as well claim a world record for the fastest cinebench score by someone called mikegold10
It's okay, he'll learn. We all learn after a while that we're just a very small fish in a very big pond in this hobby, sometimes even after getting a global gold. I know I still have a long way to go before I can feel like anything is owed to me by some community, probably will never happen.
@Mickulty, It is a world record for that cooling solution and CPU. You might as well say 100 m Olympic Run records aren't world records because they are no different than a marathon - both performed by runners.
Just the terminology used on the site, WRs tend to be for absolutely best scores, and then hardware or global first places for scores with specific hw, no real terminology used for best scores using a certain cooling method.
Image of the build in progress: [IMG]https://image.ibb.co/d59mQL/hacked-up-build-during-tuning-stage.png[/IMG]
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