Submission Details

05 May 2013
extreme League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not Gigioracing's Best Reference Frequency Submission
5.0 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Pentium III EB 600Mhz (s370) Coppermine-256 Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Cores 1,063.37 MHz (+77.23%)




Model ATi Radeon 7000 DDR ~ Radeon VE DDR (RV100) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 183 MHz / 183 MHz (Stock) buy on amazon


Model ASUS CUSL2 Cooling Air (Custom) Chipset 815E



Power Supply



May 5, 2013 at 9:50:42 PM UTC

238 is max . no mod...


chipset stock ,ln2 cooling is not the way

May 6, 2013 at 12:39:10 PM UTC

So what is the way? Good cpu and sdram ~190-200mhz?

May 6, 2013 at 1:09:34 PM UTC

as far as i see, max fsb is mostly about cpu and the way u rise fsb (just find semistable basic high fsb, then find proper 'steps' to reach max fsb). Running cpuz from usb drive is also a good idea.

May 6, 2013 at 10:01:08 PM UTC

as far as i see, max fsb is mostly about cpu and the way u rise fsb (just find semistable basic high fsb, then find proper 'steps' to reach max fsb). Running cpuz from usb drive is also a good idea.


if you see my submission (cpu frequency) 600 667 800 866 and 1000eb ,for all the cpu max fsb is 234 ... i think the limit is the mobo !

May 7, 2013 at 1:26:30 AM UTC

Max fsb is mostly about cpu, you're right. For fsb over ~200mhz i need some cold, can't reach that on air ... don't know why.

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