Submission Details

31 Aug 2015
extreme League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not I.nfraR.ed's Best Reference Frequency Submission
Abit  KT7A  Rank
6.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
Abit  KT7A  Team Power Rank
5.9 Points


Hardware Details


Model AMD Athlon XP-M 2500+ (Barton) Barton Cooling Air (Custom) Cores 1,866 MHz (Stock)




Model NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 64-bit (NV18) Speed 250 MHz / 200 MHz (Stock) buy on amazon


Model Abit KT7A Cooling Air (Custom) Chipset KT133A (VT8363A)



Power Supply



October 1, 2015 at 6:04:58 PM UTC

Yes, chipset limit. No difference between 3-3-3 and 2-2-2. Or possibly some of the buses/controllers, since nothing is locked.

You can see I've benched maxmem with tight timings at almost the same freq.

October 1, 2015 at 8:48:09 PM UTC

I tried chiller on NB - did not help at all. Volts helped a little.

This is with 4.4V I/O.

Maybe it's the mem controller, but there's no lower divider - only 1:1 and FSB + 33MHz. Second one not available at high FSB though.

Theoretical maximum for this board is 183MHz.

This was the first time I play with KT133(A).

October 1, 2015 at 9:39:32 PM UTC

4.4v its 3.3v line from PSU? What PSU is it?

October 1, 2015 at 10:31:20 PM UTC

I/O source is from 5V line (stock board allows up to 3.9V from bios), so I did a simple FB mod.

My 3.3V-modded PSU is Fortron 400 PNF and can go higher than 4V, but for this sub I used Seasonic 1000W Platinum.

October 2, 2015 at 12:13:59 AM UTC

Yes, it is FSB + PCI. With that "divider" it reaches roughly the same RAM frequency, but on lower FSB.

I have some Qimondas laying around and can try if it could go higher, but I think chipset/pci/agp is not able to go higher.

First thing I tried was to use the modded PSU with higher 3.3V line, but it did not help.

With the FSB + PCI option I could only boot at about 122MHz FSB and it stops at about 133 within windows.

Which is the same SDRAM freq I could reach with 1:1, ~133*1.33

Of course performance at 1:1 is better on these platforms.

At 133MHz FSB PCI/AGP should reset back to normal, but the "extra 33MHz" options is only available up to 122 in bios, then disappears.

Also bios has frequency addition (up to +28). Maximum you can set is 155 + 28 = 183MHz.

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