Submission Details

12 Jul 2020
extreme League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not ground's Best Reference Frequency Submission
Foxconn  Bloodrage  Rank
15.0 Points
Foxconn  Bloodrage  Team Power Rank
6.9 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Xeon E5630 Westmere-EP Cooling Air (Custom) Cores 3,341.43 MHz (+31.92%)


Product Corsair Dominator GT Type 2048 MB DDR3 SDRAM




Model Foxconn Bloodrage Cooling Air (Stock) Chipset X58



Power Supply



ground commented on his own score:
4 year and 8 months ago – Board seems alright for pure BCLK with PCIe mod. PCIe GPU, SATA SSD on native chipset ports. 261/119 max boot. Baseline E5649 passes >269 BCLK, which it has only been able to do in 3 boards I tested it in ever, my original R2E(269.65), an x58a-ud7(269.0) and this board. Most boards (R2Es, x58a-ocs, R3Es, R3BE, R3F, x58a-ud7, ex58-ud3r, P6T6 WS Revolution) tested with this exact chip were with 266-268 not quite able to match this.
July 12, 2020 at 10:05:56 PM UTC

So maybe a contender! ?

July 13, 2020 at 10:08:51 AM UTC

11 hours ago, gtxx58 said:

So maybe a contender! ?

nope, pcie seems to wall too early. need >135 pcie for >300. 

July 13, 2020 at 3:36:51 PM UTC

I'm surprised you got a xeon to OC properly in that thing. Also, try a different GPU/slot maybe?

July 13, 2020 at 5:26:36 PM UTC

1 hour ago, mickulty said:

I'm surprised you got a xeon to OC properly in that thing. Also, try a different GPU/slot maybe?

will try if I can get it working again, today it decided to be dead. Maybe it works again next week who knows. 

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