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Isnt g45 fsb crippled like the other 40 series chipsets (other than p45 and x48)? I think you may be able to get higher fsb clocks if you mod your bios, you can open your mb bios file in mmtool v3.22 and then swap in ebb of your choice (prefferably a top end board) ive modded my p5q with kets p5q pro turbo bios but ebb has been swapped to maximus ii formula and instead of 550 it now gets 570 which ngl is still pathetic, same effect when flashing p5qd bios on it Bricking isnt a worry as that board has a removable bios chip and you can easily reprogramm it with a cheap bios flasher like ch341a, and ive also tested REX, p5ke, commando, and even p5q3 ebb, they all work even from diff chipsets, though they were worse than the p5qd bios, even managed to swap in a tpower i45 ebb but that just made booting with all my 3 sticks a PITA (stuck on c0), though after manually setting the bios its fine, didnt see an improvement from the tpower ebb though I suggest changing the ebb to a maximus ii formula as that seems to have yeilded the best results for me, its a very simple bios mod, using mmtool just extract the ebb from the miif bios file (save as is in rom file not uncompressed) then replace the ebb in your bios file, mmtool 3.26 yeilds uneditable value error so dont bother using that, i think i found 3.22 on a bkmod site or something so maybe search mmtool bkmod, the module that contains the ebb is marked ebb in the ncb colomn I wanna try swapping an miif ebb onto a p5kpl bios but too bad both the p5kpls i have are broken (one has shot sb and nb, the other has destroyed socket and gets stuck on code d0)
As much as i would like to do serious bios mods im a freaking noob at this stuff and atm only capable of doing some extremely basic module swapping, hopefully ill learn abit but its gonna take awhile, atm trying to blindly mod a ud3r bios to work on my p5q as i do know it stops just before it posts at code 26 (iirc post code is 52), issue is debug card died cause i shorted the board so ill have to wait a few more days to get another debug card and hopefully not blow it up again, abit earlier i was messing around with ebb swapping, miif ebb works best but seems like crosshair iv extreme ebb seems to match it or atleast very close to matching it since i did get both to cold boot to 5.13ghz 570fsb, somehow got 5.16 with 574fsb which is a total fluke, prob just because i left the board alone for an hour or 2 for it to cool down, too bad its just bios only cause this board sucks
Any good source of how ebb works and what it does? I've only heard about it from Ket's BIOSes.
I have literally no idea what ebb actually does, all i know is that it can increase ocability, maybe it contains tuning for rams, vrms, etc. But i have absolutely no idea what other functions it has Ket has only based his bios off p5q premium which pales in comparison to a maximus ii formula so maybe one day i can recreate kets bios but improved, though i doubt that since i have absolutely no idea on what i am doing other than "swapping this makes oc better" xD
I've figured out that it's MEMINIT module. Looks like they are chipset specific and memory type specific.
Bruh if they are chipset specific then why the hell could i flash a commando ebb (p965 board) onto my p5q (p45 board)? Now that i know its actual name is meminit then i guess ill extract meminit from an ep45 bios and shove it on my p5q xD ik it prob wont help but fk it i just wanna see what happens, maybe you can help me with modding an ep45 ud3r bios to work on the p5q? Using award bios editor and idk what any of these modules even do, currently just deleting random modules to see if that does anything or not, im suspecting the jmb10678 module since its under pci drivers (problably the gigabyte sata controller driver) but deleting it doesnt seem to work, maybe check out for yourself the bios using the award bios editor tool (on sourceforge) and decipher what these modules even do, maybe i can make it compatible with the p5q
Im particularly interested in what PPMINIT RTEGROM and ud3 are, and also what the decompression block is. Also curious about these group modules like ffgroup, ggroup, etc. Other points of interest are SBF DDR2_bb DS3_DDR2 _EN_CODE and ACPITBL
EN_CODE is just a module that contains all text strings. The BIOS uses links to these wherever text is needed (menu options, error messages and so on). In short, I don't think you'll be able to mod a Gigabyte BIOS to Asus. The boards have hardware differences (SuperIO being first and very important). You could try to swap modules though.
This is very nice stuff, thanks. They are built each for their own chipset. I assume it's the similarity of Intel chipsets that made modules compatible. IIRC, on Award there are two memory modules, MEMINIT and PPMINIT (gv3). Don't know which corresponds to EBB from AMI. The decompression block is useless - any BIOS is an SFX archive of modules. The decompression block is what unpacks them to run.
Interesting, maybe i could swap the superio module but idk which one is the superio module, i can only suspect its either the jmb module or the sbf module but idk. Maybe ill continue once i get another debug card cause not having a debug card sucks balls
JMB is 100% sata controller firmware.
So can i just swap it with the p5q sata controller firmware or something? I do have a ud3p with a shot nb and seems like these boards are all dual bios so maybe theres a way to disable the dual bios functionality if thats whats causing the problem, tbh at this point its just out of curiosity cause maximus ii formula ebb seems to have the best results with the crosshair iv formula ebb matching it (yes i did flash freaking ebb from amd boards xD)
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