Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Snod Blatter's Best wPrime - 32m Submission
Global 1 Cores CPU Rank
Pentium M 760
19.0 Points
Global 1 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Pentium M 760
Team Power Rank
4.0 Points
Impresive score
how did you increase the voltage on the cpu?
The CPU is run on an Asus CT-479 adapter, which is then on a P4C800 motherboard, so it's a desktop and not a laptop
. 1.6v is easy enough, it's available as a BIOS option, although it has since been vmodded and that CPU has survived a little over 1.8v now for at least 3 years, along with 2.7v VCCA.
Pretty tough chips these things
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