ASUS ROG CAMP 2015 Live Final - Cinebench - R15

Enthusiasts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have the chance to learn how to overclock the latest hardware with liquid nitrogen at the ASUS ROG CAMP 2015 in April - hosted by Tom Loske from PC Games Hardware and the elite overclocker der8auer.

Closed Since 12 Apr


  • Cinebench - R15 is closed since 12 April 2015


There are no limitations, all hardware may be used


Rank Participant Points Score
1 25 pts 1213 cb
2 18 pts 1211 cb
3 16 pts 1208 cb
4 15 pts 1171 cb
5 14 pts 1164 cb
6 13 pts 1163 cb
7 12 pts 1144 cb
8 11 pts 1140 cb

Latest Submissions for Stage Cinebench - R15

Score User Hardware Cooling
1163 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1171 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1213 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1148 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1208 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1211 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1203 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1164 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1208 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen
1190 cb Core i7 4790K Liquid Nitrogen

First Position

1213 cb Chrissi

ASUS ROG CAMP 2015 Live Final Stages


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