Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Global 2 Cores GPU Rank
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank


Hardware Details


Model Intel Pentium III EB 933Mhz (Slot 1) Coppermine-256 Cooling Dry Ice Cores 1,304 MHz (+39.76%)




Model ATi Rage Fury MAXX (128 Pro) Cooling Dry Ice Speed 164 MHz (+31.20%) / 174 MHz (+21.68%)


Model Abit SH6 Chipset 815E



Power Supply



May 15, 2017 at 1:30:55 PM UTC

Well done!

Nice motherboard also.Very rare!

May 15, 2017 at 4:08:14 PM UTC

Thank you Zafiropo-san, P3C-D is very interested, I didn't expect that board to run at 180FSB, did you try some cpu benches?

May 15, 2017 at 4:33:24 PM UTC

Congrats Kotori-san.


Great score !!!

May 15, 2017 at 4:55:10 PM UTC

Wow kotori well done ;)

May 16, 2017 at 10:07:27 AM UTC

Tasos-san, Claudio-san Thank you! non MAXX side was also nice!

May 16, 2017 at 11:30:06 PM UTC

Thank you Zafiropo-san, P3C-D is very interested, I didn't expect that board to run at 180FSB, did you try some cpu benches?




No.Not yet.I think we will have to find out in the next competition.

I think @Stelaras already answer a part of your question in this post:


Stelaras`s 3DMark 99 Max score: 12020 marks with a Rage Fury MAXX

Considering it's a dual CPU board it did great . I wasn't expecting to max-out the PLL at 180MHz to be honest . :D


Kotori-san , as i can tell by looking at your score , our runs were pretty close in efficiency . RDRAM doesn't help Pentium-III CPUs and performs close to SD-RAM .

I believe the main reason i got to 12K was because of the CPU . If i had your SH6 board i'm sure i would have scored way higher .

The 1000EB CPU was only at 2.05V & -30C . It was enough for booting , entering windows and running the benches . Totally stable at 180MHz FSB .



Probably if we are talking about WPRIME bench or HWBOT Prime, we can see the differences

between ASUS P3C-D AND ABIT SH - 6

and all the parameters about fsb wall or fsb limit for its one of the specific motherboard

Too many parameters...

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