HWBOT OC Challenge July 2010
07.01.2010 12:00 +0000
07.31.2010 23:59 +0000
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HWBOT OC Challenge July 2010 is closed since 31 July 2010
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This should be interesting ... I really want to see IF some people can digg up some old EDO memory and can actually overclock it. I honestly don't know if it's possible
wow.. it's hard to find memory for this challenge, maybe SDRAM still possible. But who knows anyone has old EDORAM can submit
. Forget overclock, hunting to curious good 
I just found 4 SDR-Ram here ... I wonder if I have some spare EDO lying around. And a board
the bigger problem will be that some older boards which use edo ram don't display a memory clock in the cpu-z memory tab/verfication.
edo ram are not the problem btw. i have tons here, but i don't have fb-dimms
Maybe Just Sub 10Person Join This Challenge
Men It's Too Hard Why Set This For July
I Don't Know EDO DRAM, RDRAM and FB-DIMM DRAM What's That Moudle????
All EDO boards, or just some?
EDO was before SDRam. RDRam was used by Intel before DDR got upto speed. FB-Dimm was used in some server boards (skulltrail as well).
Not all challenges are to get loads of people involved. Sometimes it's just something special
my old socket 5/7 boards (3 different ones) never showed the clock. maybe newer pentium2 edo ram boards can show it.
Hm ok. Ever contacted the guys from CPU-Z?
I need to figure out how to boot this setup ...
no, but maybe it doesn't work because there's no "official" edo ram support?
I have a bunch of sticks with 33MHz EDO RAM, I won't with win any prizes with those though; they are too old & slow :-/
Crap. I have all the required ram, but I'm missing a motherboard.
Shopping time.
Is it overclockable?
Mainboards in those days were either not overclockable or hardly overclockable.
My sticks are 72-pin memory sticks: I doubt they can beat EDO DIMMs (and wheren't those clocked at 66MHz? or is my memory failing me?)
Anyway, overclocking was indeed possible on 486 and pentium-era boards. It just wasn't as easy as it is nowadays.
Time to put this thing to shine...
Nice. PC150 sticks. I have a few of those. PIII's like them.
Have sdram capable 190+ MHz at 3-3-3-7, will participate
Abit ST6E, divider 2:3 (cpu-z don't show it for unknown reason)
on most sdram boards only 1:1 will show the memory clock (mostly p3 boards), which is required for a validation.
Even if it doesn't, it's easy to figure out. The only chipsets that can change the divider are VIA and ALI.
I have contacted with Franck Delattre (Massman, you know this) but I can't say how fast will he implement required fixes.
Antinomy, you are an invaluable member where ever you go.
it can be chanced on intel chipset boards as well.
Thank you, Mr. Scott
Turrican nope, until the 810/815 series
any older chipset than these can't change the divider.
I prefer Franck to make the fixes
I don't know anyone who else can
I just said that I don't know how fast will he make the fixes after they are reported on. I've seen the asynch. memory issues on VIA and Intel chipsets. I know how to identify the memory divider on these.
I'll share with him with this info today.
Time to fire up the K6 rig lol
yeah, actually i meant those boards.
i have some
just need the boards
EBAY i am coming ..........
hehe, ok
I've sent an e-mail to Franck Delattre to fix VIA's dividers bugs and i815 as well.
Turrican do you have a VIA MVP3 board in your hands? I would like you to get some info from it to send a bug report to CPU-Z.
yeah, i have a few ones.
what info do you need?
Make a txt report using CPU-Z on FSB100 when memory is at 100MHz and 66MHz - you know, the Mem=AGP mode. If possible, change only this setting, so it doesn't harden the decryption. And attach here for example.
ok, but i've to install win xp first. i have no "spare" os atm.
LiveCD rules
We Wait For Some Submit
I have a sdram on my p3......but actually i haven't any power supply with 20 pin atx
Use a 24-pin, AFAIK the 24-pin plug is just the original 20 + 4 additional pins. Works on my NF3-board:)
A 24 pin PSU will be fine if you can fit it. I've got a separatable 24 pin connector. But even if yours is solid it sometimes can still fit the board. If it fits, it'll work.
Yep, there's additional +3.3V, 5V, 12V and ground - one of each.I have a 20 +4 pin ATX connector and I could leave the 4 pin plug, but it does not go because next to 20-pin connector on the motherboard there is an inductance that makes this impossible !
I have to change the fuse on my power supply with 20-pin connector to use the p3 mainboard
wow ive found some sdram + p3 + mainboard =) so i ll try to run this setup^^
fb-dimms are dont a problem =) but a mainboard for the fbdimms -> so i ll use the server from our company
ps: thats a very nice competion (EDORAM ?!?!?! wtf this is out of my livetime =D)
so here some of my dimms =) FB-DIMMS !!!! =) but i dont have a board for the fb-dimms -.- i only have the cpu + memory =(
yeeah and my friend means that he can maybe organize, that i can have a rig with rd-ram *_* so i ll pray to the computer god
that i ll get this rams =D
If you still have need for CPU-Z output from an MVP3-board I am doing some benchmarking on such board right now. :-)
Have a SDRAM board I should be able to get a reading from and also got some EDO RAM for my Socket 7 but doubt I can get a reading from it. Already tried PC Wizard to see but nada so far.
Perhaps something like SiSandra can show it. If I can get something, I'll post up. I'll also see if CPU-Z can get something the way Antinomy suggested.
And please, name the files correspondent. Or type a comment which one is it.
Reports from more people is always better than from one - to be sure.
Bones, I can suggest Everest - did read type of memory (EDO/FPM) on 430TX and timings. A new CPU-Z is out but Franck said that he wasn't able to add all the stuff I asked yet. When he'll have free time, he'll do it.
I've sent a number of reports on various chipsets and processor identification bugs and parts of datasheets that could help him. But I wasn't able to test all of the hardware yet to say him what is wrong and how to fix this.
Will get it and see if it will work on my particular board.
EDIT: Nope, even Everest didn't do the trick BUT I did note within the comparisons when doing benchmarks, EDO RAM didn't have any specs for it's speed in MHz shown. All it had was a board or two with dual EDO RAM and after that, it was blank. I haven't tried to do a report with the program yet but I doubt it would show anything if I did.
For the record here, the MB I have is a Premio 219H Socket 7 - A real odd-ball and the BIOS string ID shows it being a MSI board. Unless MSI actually manufactured it for Premio, I doubt it really is a MSI build.
I have uploaded two CPU-Z files here with ~100MHz bus frequency and different divider/ratio for the memory here:
They are from version 1.54 though, does that matter?
No, the version doesn't matter, thank you!
@ Antinomy
sorry that i couldn't provide those infos so fast, my hdd for the old systems is dead
I'm not rushing anywhere
Anyway it's up to Franck when he has time to implement this. And at this moment he doesn't. So it doesn't change anything.
DrSwizz, you uploaded two validation files. I asked to the "TXT report"
it's on the last tab, the "About" one.
Sorry; I guess didn't read your request carefully enough.
I'll upload that text-output soon.
Edit: I have uploaded the textfiles you asked for here:
Is everybody holding back his results ?
Someone needs to start but Im not in the mood to do so. ^^
i'll look what i can do the next few days ( i hope).
I dont have any sticks expect SDRAM but Im waiting till the others show if I have a change or not.
I have a Result here but only with 133MHz SDRAM with Cl2. My board has some Problems in the BIOS is an Option to change the FSB but under Windows there is always 100MHz FSB
Guess the FBDimm throne wille be mine
As far as I know, I have been holding the LGA771 FSB WR ever since 2008 anyway. Now all I have to do is dig up that Pentium 3 S for some SDram action
Edit: Updated submission
Still with 2 CPUs, 4 ramsticks (quad channel!) and 30C ambient. Anybody wanna see >FSB500 and >1Ghz FBDimm speed? I can try
Today i tried my Abit ST6E (i815), 175 fsb stable,
but unfortunately cpu-z can't show even 1:1 mem divider...
Time to blow a dust out of TUSL and cross fingers?
By the way is it possible to make a cpu-z submission with EDO ram at all or not?
Seems to be it isn't support entirely, who had success with it?
This is the only submission I have made with EDO so far:
as you can see CPU-Z doesn't recognize the RAM (or much else). It might work better with newer boards though as that particular board & CPU is ancient.
Ok, problem with ST6E solved: actually cpu-z doesn't work properly witn fsb: ram: pci = 3:3:1,
and shows corrently with 4:4:1.
I tried with amd k6 setup (aladdin 5) ant p mmx (430TX), it also doesn't show memory type.
May be dimm edo witn 440BX will be recognized properly?
Waiting for custom cpu-z wersion?
Or how we can participate in stage 3?
CPU-Z probably relies on an EEPROM to be available on the DIMMs.
I had a bit of problem with this myself: I found a really old DIMM that lacked the eeprom. The only way I found to indicate what kind of memory it was (EDO or SDRAM) was that the stick didn't work with SDRAM-only boards.
CPU-Z doesn't show me the frequencies of the memory ( SDRAM ) on an MB : P3V4X
How to submite ??
hmm for my edo ramm ive a old 486DX-40 :-D but there cpu-z doesnt ll run -.-
so how i submit my results ?
ive seen that turrican also have a 486dx-40 and he also has this probl ... ..
heeelp ! =)
I'll write Franck after he fixes the bugs I've written before. If I send him more bug reports of feature requests, he'll stop writing back like Massman
Sorry to be harsh on you guys; but this is truely a trash competition....
HWBot is all about encouraging evolution in hardware.... Hence; global points getting higher and higher, while hwboints still limited to 300..... Yet; then someone came up with the bright idea of using components that you can get no where anymore..... Oh please...
This is fail... :-/
...ebay? Or what about your local dump site:D
I like these old school competitons - it's already waaaaaaaaaaay too much about the cutting edge parts. I'm surprised my FX53 run got so much attention - I expected 6-7 "well done, keep pushing"-posts at most - if this had been back when these chips were really hot... HaHa!
Each month is different Marc. Okay this month is a bit special as these rams have never been mega popular. But apparently there are still some users that owned them and dusted them off. Or got them somewhere... like Knopflerbruce mentioned, you can get loads of this stuff pretty cheap on Ebay and sortlikes...
FYI it's not always about setting new records, it's about the fun and the experience...
Keep up the monthly competitions... eagerly awaiting August...
I love this special OC Challenge even if CPU-Z doesn't work with all CPU and Chipset, we have to find the right one to submite scores
The HWBOT OC Challenges have been, from the start, about focussing on hardware that doesn't play a huge role in the overall rankings. Geforce4, Athlon XP, Pentium 4, AMD DDR1 overclocking and so on.
HWBOT is not all about encouraging evolution in hardware. It's about the pleasures of overclocking ... be it low-end old-skool or high-end brand-new.
I for one am enjoying the competition. Though I likely won't win once the big guns come out @ the end I can @ least be competitive. There's no way I can afford the latest and greatest hardware and snazzy cooling but I can always afford a $5 dollar CPU or even a garage sale PC that holds some little gem inside.
I need to grab a PS/2 PCI card and I'll be firing up my s7 EDO board as well.
After a lot of search i finally find good mobo for 'edo' stage.
It is a FIC VA-503+ based on VIA MVP3 chipset.
It has 4 simm connectors and capable up to 124 MHz fsb with 1:1 to memory.
But the main reason was: cpu-z can correctly show memory type (EDO) and frequency!
My 60-ns sticks have maximum working freq. between 100 and 112 MHz (next jumper setting).
At 112 windows cannot boot.
Lucky Star 5MVP3 might be also a goot one, mine have dead keydoard port.
Some notes on WinNT 4.0 sp6: surprisingly it has no mouse emulation through num keypad (and i've lost my com mouse lol).
And mose strange: printscreen doesn't work for some reason, i have to search and use ancient screenshot utility.
I wrote it here because it's too long for submission comment and gives 'Data too long for column 'system' at row 1' =)
Ok, now I´m waiting to get crushed by some SDRAM Subs over 195Mhz.
I know Turrican is able to but is there anyone else ? 
Have you tried using software to OC the system bus?
The PLL on my MVP3 boards has 103MHz setting that I can only access using software. :-)
For me CPU-Z caused the mouse to lock up in NT4 (I used a serial mouse). So I tried using a PS/2 mouse instead, but then both the mouse and the keyboard locked up, very annoying.
Printscreen did work for me though, but windows paint didn't work very well without a mouse. :-/
@speddy411: Nice score.
Good idea, just haven't time to try, leaving for vacation tomorrow.
Good luck!
Can people who run the competition check whether the memory frequency is shown only in CPU-Z 1.55 or both 1.54 and 1.55? Looks like Franck made another stealth update a I don't know what bugs I've reported on he did fix and which ones he didn't
I know he fixed an old bug used by a number of cheaters, checked that.
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