Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 5 - HWBOT Prime

Welcome to the Old school is Best School Season 3, a contest series created specifically for overclockers that enjoy benching on very old, classic hardware. Each month-long round features five stages, each with unique hardware and benchmarks.

In Round 5 of the Old School is Best School contest is a real trip down memory lane, involving CPUs from eras including Slot 1, Slot A and the long lost but still remembered Socket 7. Only classic ATi Rage graphics cards may be used. In terms of benchmarks, Stage 1 focuses on 3DMark99, Stage 2 is all about SuperPi 1M while Stage 3 involves HWBOT Prime. Verification screenshots and system pictures are required for each stage.

Closed Since 15 May


  • HWBOT Prime is closed since 15 May 2017


  • Only use processors using 5/7.
  • Must use official competition background: download


Rank Participant Points Score
1 25 pts 705.62 pps
2 18 pts 683.23 pps
3 16 pts 658.47 pps
4 15 pts 653.24 pps
5 14 pts 640.54 pps
6 13 pts 635.21 pps
7 12 pts 608.46 pps
8 11 pts 492.63 pps
9 10 pts 452.27 pps

Latest Submissions for Stage HWBOT Prime

Score Team User Hardware Cooling
583.61 pps K6-III+ 400MHz Air (Custom)
608.46 pps K6-2 500MHz Air (Custom)
705.62 pps K6-2+ 570MHz Liquid Nitrogen
492.63 pps K6-2 500MHz Air (Custom)
492.63 pps K6-2 500MHz Air (Custom)
683.23 pps K6-2+ 550MHz Single Stage Phase Change
653.24 pps K6-2+ 500MHz Liquid Nitrogen
658.47 pps K6-III+ 400MHz Single Stage Phase Change
645.24 pps K6-III+ 400MHz Air (Custom)
624.55 pps K6-2+ 533MHz Air (Custom)

First Position

705.62 pps Hellas Overclocking Team

Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 5 Stages


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